Tile sizes:
Now we also produce bigger tiles than before. That is for example the
25 x 25 cm tile. Even bigger sizes will be tested in the near future and will
be annouced as soon as we are ready.

  Floor tiles:
We devellop at present a floor tile which will be as secure as required.
Design and quality will as you require it. Our first tests were positive.
As soon as we reach market requirements you can order them here.
In very short time there will be series for kitchens and bathrooms in
our special quality. Then you have the choise between different themes to make your home prettier.
We work on different themes for coasters with design issues. The collec-
tion will be ready soon and will be announced as soon as possible.


Our press releases:

Artist Margot Middelhauve from Darmstadt:
some artist works were produced for Mrs. Middelhauve, especially her well
known colomns. These works can be shown for the first time outside of a


Frankfurt: At the discotheque Galaxy in Frankfurt/Main, Düsseldorfer Str. 1-7, our tiles are shown in the restroom areas. Trendy motives from Susan Goldsmith-Borg make it a worthwile night going out the dance-floor.






magazine, newspaper, radio, television
Jan. Feb. 2000 Elle Deco
Februar 2001 Maxi
Februar 2001 HR 3 Bericht Ambiente
März 2001 Neue Westfälische
März 2001 ORB Radio 1
April 2001 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
April 2001 HR 3 Radio
April 2001 Brigitte Das Magazin für Frauen
Mai 2001 Die Zeit Magazin
Mai 2001 Architektur und Design
Oktober 2002 Zuhause Wohnen
Juni 2003 Das Haus
Juni 2003 3SAT Domizil Tips und Trends
Juni 2003 ZDF Morgen- und Mittagsmagazin
Juli 2003 dpa, Zeitungen in Deutschland
Oktober 2003 Keramische Rundschau Österreich
November 2003 Bauen und Renovieren
Januar 2004 Schöner Wohnen
Sommer 2004 Zuhause Wohnen

  Photos - Brigitte Wegner